Saturday, June 27, 2015

FREE GENERAL HEALTH CAMP. Date: 28.6.2015 Sunday 9.30 AM to 2.00 pm

Dear beloved 
RoadNayanadahalli Blore 39 IARINDIA Mysore My Mother NGO
in Association with Sapthagiri Medical CollegeBlore
in memory of Late Late SmtKempamma & ShriJOseph.
CBR to share ProjectTavarekeremagadi Road
Date: 28.6.2015 Sunday 9.30 AM to 2.00 pm
Place: Near Hally Chandra Lyt SchoolGangondana StAntony Church.
1General Checkup
Checkup & Cataract SURGERY 2Eye
Checkup 3Dental.
4ENT Checkup
5Ladies Diseases
7Advice and referals
8Free Medicine
& Distribution 9Spectacle Checkup.
More info CTC MKrishnappa MrRAnand 9342640835 9342814158
9343744703 DrMohan Sapthagiri MrUmesh 9902618634
Its a REQUEST CAMP Services to Utilise this ...
and also Share / Fwd it will be to some ONE Helpul.
Regards and thanks JiganiRamakrishna 9945028899
Hosabelaku Trust (R)
Blood Donation - lives,
netradana - Two of charity,
dehadana - the lives of many people to donate towards maragida - Save the nature. Appeal bandhugale accidental death of our families, our friends, and his family, who netradana olisi Mana. netragalannu burning, instead of going to the charity instead of ground mannagisuva Two blind hosabelakina ... netradana nammagala live nidona sampradayavagisona family ... netradanada samayabandaga 24/7. 9945028899/8147778899/9242236291 We'll lighting jiganiramakrsna 9945028899 hosabelakutrast (R) of Lord Buddha and dabiarambedkar national award winners of the national awards in cooperation with the payananimmagala .. darkness belakinadege

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