Thursday, June 12, 2014

June 10th World Eye Donation Day Celebration at ESI Jigani by Hosabelaku Trustt

June 10th World Eye Donation Day
Hosabelaku Trust & Nanarayana Netralaya Collberatively
Celebrated at JiganI ESI Hospital.....
Thanks to Dr.Rohini Medical Chief..
Mr.Naveen and Staff of ESI...
Mr.SSS Nataraju....Lion Shamarao...and Manjularamakrishna....
Distributed Eye Donation Awareness handbills to All....and 15000 Hand bills Distributed to...Schools.Colleges...Publics and also at Eye Camp Held at Aduru....
Netradhana Mahadaan
If Eye Donation Time Comes pl call nearest Eye Bank or call us 24/7...9945028899 - 924236299 - 9342171646 we will organise it

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