Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Raktha Dhana Abhinandana 2014WORLD BLOOD DONORS DAY......

Dear beloved
team KVK
organised "Raktha Dhana Abhinandana 2014"
Date 14.6.2014
Venue - Kannada Sahitya Parishath Time - 5.30 onwards
iam proud that i am selected for Abhinandana 2014
on the eve of
you cam meet us and also Many Blood Donors....
Organizers and also...good Service peoples...
hope you all attend and make Program Grand Success...
we also Eye Donation Program ....

Donate Blood - Save Life....
Donate Eyes - Gift Sight....
with regards
Hosabelaku Trust(R) Jigani Ramakrishna 9945028899
Special Thanks Harsha Lakshman Divya Harsha

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